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Max Gehlsen, A virtual exhibition


The Alexandre Villedieu Museum in Loos-en-Gohelle

Open every day by appointment.

The museum displays typical soldier’s items reminding us of daily life in the trenches. Three sectors touch on the British, German and French approach to the conflict.

The Museum is managed by the "Loos en Gohelle In the Traces of the Great War" association which was established in 1992 due to the desire of some people who were passionate about the 1914-1918 period. The purpose is to communicate to current and future generations the history of three great battles which took place in the Loos en Gohelle area.

Rather than focussing on the exploits of war, instead it aims to remind us of the horror of these battles and the nightmare endured by all of the belligerents. Initiatives of the association fall within the framework of a process, on the one hand, to transmit heritage and, on the other, to protect and conserve the heritage of the Great War.

Phone : +33 (0)3 21 28 99 82
Courriel : a.villedieu@wanadoo.fr

CG62 Websites

EU websites

Commonwealth War Graves Commission

The Commission maintains the monuments of members of the Commonwealth forces, constructs memories in honour of those for whom monuments were not previously erected and retains archives and registers www.cwgc.org

Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge

German military war memorial conservation www.volksbund.de

Stone War Memorials

This website lists the memorials in the Pas-de-Calais http://memoiresdepierre.pagesperso-orange.fr

Discover another virtual exhibition about the Great War


Discovering the memorials in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais


Memorial Tourism in the Pas-de-Calais


Enlarge Image Max GEHLSEN, Close to Roiglise, 24 April 1915, watercolour on cardboard, 14 x 21 cm

Max GEHLSEN, Close to Roiglise, 24 April 1915, watercolour on cardboard, 14 x 21 cm

Departmental archives of Pas-de-Calais 47 FI 19_2