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Max Gehlsen, A virtual exhibition

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Maxgehlsen.eu is a website of the Departmental Council of the Pas-de-Calais

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Reference laws

  • Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, records and privacy
  • Law of 29 July 1881 - Law on press freedom
  • Law 2000-719 of 1st August 2000-Excerpt from the law on provider liability

Enlarge Image Max GEHLSEN, Lens. Arrival from Sallaumines, 5 January 1916, watercolour on cardboard, gouache highlights, 13.5 x 20 cm

Max GEHLSEN, Lens. Arrival from Sallaumines, 5 January 1916, watercolour on cardboard, gouache highlights, 13.5 x 20 cm

Departmental archives of Pas-de-Calais 47 FI 114_1